Our brand image is Amélia Amil, listener, CODA ( ‘Children of Deaf Adults’) that is, she is the daughter of deaf parents whose native language was always LGP, being her mother tongue.
She was the first sign language interpreter in the north of the country, translating the morning programs on RTP 1 between 1992 and 1996.
She was the first Sign Language interpreter in the North of the country. She was the first Portuguese Sign Language interpreter to translate the lunchtime news on RTP 1.
Author of 10 Portuguese Sign Language teaching programs in a morning segment on RTP 1.
She was the first Portuguese Sign Language interpreter, in the North, to translate in context: Court, Prison and Official Authorities, such as GNR, PSP, SEF, among others.
Co-Author of the book “Vem Falar Comigo” by ASA Editora, together with Dr. Constança Verdelho